Friday, January 13, 2012

Inside McLellans this week.

Are your washer and dryer acting up? It may be time to replace one or both of them. People often wait till it's too late and the laundry is piling up.
If you are thinking about replacing, come in and see us now. We can give you information on front load, and top load washer and dryers. This way you can make an informed decision and get the washer and dryer you want, Don't get stuck making a hasty decision, and ending up with a set you don't like.
We also have financing available for up to 1 year, extended warranty, and offer delivery and installation at a reasonable rate. 
If you are wondering what to do with the old set we will haul them away if you need. 
See us today, and start the new year off right.

Maytag Bravos High efficient top load set 

Maytag Maxima front load set

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